Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday and the rain

It's Terry's birthday today. It was my great-grandmother Rendfandt's (Caroline W. Peters) birthday and my Uncle Jim's (Clarence James Becktold) birthday too.

The day is gray and rainy, although not rainy currently. Terry's being Terry. You know his litany of non-positive comments.... His back hurts though he doesn't say so, and he pops a few pain pills. I wish there were a fix. I can't believe there isn't. I suppose there might be a surgery fix ... but back surgery's aren't always so great.

He's making fried potatoes. Yummmm

I'm going to a poetry reading tonight. The first one in a long while. Billy Collins should be a great evening. Hoping Margaret enjoys the evening too. Must starting living today instead of thinking about it.